Color Through The Bible


Play with art to focus your heart on Scripture.

Color Through The Bible is a simple art-based approach to help women refocus their restless minds on Scripture. For many, it simultaneously renews a sense of peace and expresses creativity in the process.

These contemplative coloring books for adults are designed to help you find a new sense of focus as you meditate on Scripture and practice “intentional abiding” in God’s word.

 Other Books By Debbie

Hope Is Always Near

Hope is Always Near is a beautiful gift book filled with inspiring words of encouragement that tap into the strength of Scripture to give you hope you need- right where you are today.

God Answers Moms’ Prayers

Few emotions run as deep as a mother’s love for her children. This collection of brief, touching narratives inspires women to combine their love with faith and hope, praying with confidence and thankfulness.

Debbie’s story “Answered Prayer in an Unexpected Package” begins on page 78.

Out of the Overflow

Have you ever felt so full of joy you thought you were going to burst? Are there times when God's love overflowed from your life and you felt like a bystander? Out of the Overflow is filled with stories of people who can answer yes to those questions - people who have said yes to God and have a living vital relationship with Him.

Debbie’s painting is on the cover of this book and her story, Snipping the Apron Strings” begins on page 172.

God Allows U-Turns

Anyone can make a wrong turn in life--and, by God's grace, anyone can make a U-turn. This brand-new collection of stories, the third in the acclaimed God Allows U-Turns series, focuses on stories by, about, and for women. My heart broke time and again while I read stories of abuse, addiction, shame, guilt, and fear, writes series creator Allison Gappa Bottke in her introduction. In equal measure I rejoiced with thanksgiving as contributors shared how faith in God brought hope and healing to a hurting heart and soul.

Journeys of Joy

Many people will tell you that the very best things in life are love, friendship, hope, and joy. But sometimes the trials of life-tragic losses, bad decisions - can make those treasures feel distant and out of reach. In this encouraging series of four books, God Allows U-Turns Project founder Allison Gappa Bottke offers true stories of life-changing experiences-those that open hearts to life's captivating joy and surprising hope.

“Putting Away the Pity Party” on pages 54-57 is the powerful story of how Nanna shared a Scripture that gave a much-needed course correction to Debbie’s life. . . and ministry.

The Groovy Chicks’ Road Trip to Love

Just what is a Groovy Chick? She is a woman who aspires to be at peace with God, other and herself. She is real, honest, growing, open to new ideas and opportunities, energetic, and excited about life—and she's on a meaningful journey with Jesus!

Laurie and Dena (in the personas of hip chicks Pepper and Starshine) combine the best of both worlds: touching stories with laugh-so-hard-you-snort stories.

Debbie’s story “Answered Prayer in an Unexpected Package” begins on page 78.